Contemporary Art in NUO

Contemporary Art in NUO

The art of luxury

A stay at NUO is an experience rich in so many ways – from the refined environment in which to unwind to rejoicing in an artistic journey of discovery.

We believe that works of creative genius should be embraced and appreciated. And we want to share the charm and vitality of this important part of Chinese culture. At our captivating hotels, guests can immerse themselves in spellbinding sculptures, paintings and installations that will delight, inspire and enhance their mood.

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Le Shan

Sitting proudly at the heart of NUO Hotel Beijing and greeting every guest is the imposing Le Shan sculpture by our acclaimed honorary art consultant Zeng Fanzhi.

A monumental masterpiece that was two years in the making, and stretching more than five metres tall, this is a grand and iconic composition that demonstrates our fervour for bringing art to life.

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Blending tradition with modernity

As passionate art advocates, we give our guests an exclusive gallery experience. With lofty ceilings and opulent marble, NUO Hotel Beijing’s spacious lobby provides the ideal backdrop to display stunning creations.

Mixing the traditional and modern, we showcase dramatic bespoke oil paintings by the talented Zeng Fanzhi and a collection of porcelain vases adorned with beautiful landscapes and calligraphy.

Building a professional art collection

We are dedicated to celebrating the brilliance of our Chinese culture – and to bringing art into our daily lives. So we have established and curated our own extensive, impressive and original art collection.

Featuring fascinating creations from accomplished artists, both homegrown and international, the paintings, sculptures and installations are presented around our hotels for guests to explore and enjoy.